Harvard Diwali Celebration Dinner
Please join us in celebrating one of the biggest holidays on the Hindu calendar.
Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a joyous and vibrant festival celebrating the victory of good over evil. Diwali marks a new beginning and is a time to connect with friends and family.
Come and enjoy dinner in the heart of London at a restaurant serving great authentic Indian recipes.
Dinner will be at the Mumtaz Restaurant, 4-10 Park Rd, London NW1 4SH (close to Regents Park) on Tuesday 30th November at 7pm.

Tickets are £25 for Harvard Alumni;
£20 for recent Harvard grads (class of 2016 or later);
£30 for guests of Harvard Alumni.

Click below to buy tickets

RSVP by Monday 29th Nov (5pm).
Questions? Contact Monica Mendiratta monica_m999@hotmail.com